Well, this bring us to the end of a journey. The end of an adventure. The end of a series. I always feel sad when something I like ends, like a movie series. And then I end up frantically looking for behind the scenes interviews or pictures.
He is just so precious. And you can't tell me any different!
I'll be posting more from this trip, just no longer under the name The Taga Bukid Kids. Because we're no longer children. I have to face the fact that we're no longer the MacIntosh quartet. One is giving away her name. No longer a MacIntosh but a Ballard.
My beautiful sister. My "twin". My confidant. My comfort. My hope. My Julia.
It's an ever growing pain to see her unraveling our tightly knotted bond each day. Making new friends. Falling in love. Moving on. But it's a bittersweet pain. As she unties our knot, I see we are still connected, a long rope between us. We are free to embrace others into our lives, without being hindered by the knot. And this space makes room for another. A brother.
So I bid farewell to those taga bukid kids. Because they run away from me, back into the past. Back into my memories. Where I shall look upon them on a rainy day, perfect for looking back.
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