Thursday, March 29

The Playground Is A Layground!

Alright so these are basically just a bunch of photos of me. The girls don't really like having their photographs being publicly displayed. I mind too, of course. Kind of. Not really. Okay well if I didn't like having my picture taken, I wouldn't have started a blog. Simple as that. So let the camera-whoring begin!

We started off at SPE just to get a feel of the night vibe. The others needing a little juice to get loose. I got lost TWICE on the way there. I took the wrong jeeps -_-

Yes that's me going the wrong direction from the camera. I don't think I was born with a sense of direction. Not a one.

Like the henna? I've been getting various interpretations on what it is. Turkey. Wak-wak. Pinecone. No one ever realizes that it's a Pinecone Owl. Gah.

I'd say this was a candid but it wasn't. I was texting when Raye told me to pose. So I did. And my hair turned out fabulous. My hair isn't always like that. No ma'am. It's a frizzy fro most of the time. Uncooperative. Speaking of, tried bleaching my hair today. It rejected the bleach. Even bleach doesn't have a chance against my hair. Oh my.

We tried doing the whole "I'm swinging toward you cutely" thing. It didn't work. I just looked like I was charging Raye. I'm just not the best poser, I suppose.

Yes, we have graffiti in our playground. We live in the ghetto Davao City. But just kidding. We're not ghetto. We're really nice. Please visit. Our graffiti only says nice things. Like Artistic. Oh yes. We're motivational(:

Oh and this is Raye. Friend/Sister/Photographer. She took my pictures tonight. She's fabulous. And exotic. And likes taking bathroom pictures. Just like me! I think every girl does though. Or maybe we're just special. Nah.

I find this picture fascinating. She's tinted in purple. Everything's purple. Which reminds me.
Take a listen! It's all about purple. If you know what he means. (;