Saturday, July 16

Passion Fruit Iced Tea

You'll need:

12 Original Lipton Tea Bags

1.5 L Pitcher

1 Bottle of Torani Passion Fruit Syrup (There'll be plenty extra!)

Enough hot water to fill the pitcher


Fill your pitcher with hot water and add your Lipton Tea. Set this aside for say, 30 minutes? Or until the water has turned a very dark brown. Remove your tea bags. For every 32 oz of tea, add 3 oz of Torani Passion Fruit Syrup (Come on you can do the math!). Stir well and serve with ice. Happy Tea Time!

Tea Of The Day: Passion Fruit Iced Tea

Yes, I mean iced tea. Not that powder mix that's referred to as ice tea, but iced tea. Real brewed tea. It's wonderfully refreshing for that blistering hot day, not to mention delicious.