I was looking at rows of stockings at Watson's today. Thoughts of red stockings, black stockings, green stockings raced through my mind and I contemplated on all the different vintage-styled outfits I could wear with them. On the outside, I was cool, calm, collected. On the inside, I was a giddy little school girl (literally) that wanted to giggle in excitement. But I kept my head, and even though I knew exactly which one to get the moment I laid eyes on it, I stood there.
My head cocked, with an expression of what I hoped looked like contemplation, counting to sixty slowly in my head because I didn't want to seem too eager over a pair of stockings. Finally, I reached sixty. And with my shaking hands I reached for those knee-high black stockings and sauntered over to the cashier. I plucked a packet of bobby pins on the way casually and plopped both items on the counter. P64.50, that's all it cost. I placed the money into her hands and waited for her to bag. Once she did, I walked slowly out the door, allowing myself to flash a beaming smile.
I got my stockings.
Truly Yours,
Connie Grace