Wednesday, August 3

DIY Floral Headband

I've recently come to own a pack of deep purple cloth flowers and have been deciding just how to use them. And what better way to keep summer alive than with a floral headband? I'm not talking about the regular ol' headband that girls use to push their bangs back, I'm talking about the head "band", the one that wraps around your head. Or I guess you could call it a head wreath. Or a halo. Or whatever you'd like as long as it's head-related really.

You'll Need: Scissors, Ribbon, Cloth Flowers

Step 1: Cut just enough ribbon to wrap around your head. Separate your flowers. (or if you like them in a bunch, keep it!) I'm not much of a white flower with beads type of person, so I like to remove the itty bitty add-ons.

Step 2: Once everything is prepared, take the wire back of your flowers and intertwine them. It doesn't matter if it looks messy, because no one can see it!

See? No mess in front!

Step 3: Tie a ribbon end to each wire end. Ta-dah! Simple as that. No glue, no mess.

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